WA Charge Up Grant
Round 3
WA Charge Up Workplace Grant Summary

Round 3 is now open from 8 Oct 24 to 30 June 25.
The WA Government is encouraging the spread of electric vehicle chargers by co-funding about 50% of their cost with $15 million of grants.
$12.5 Million in grant funding support available to small and medium businesses, local government authorities and not-for-profit organizations
Grant funding support covers up to 50% of EV charger hardware, software and installation costs.
Round 2 includes both AC chargers (7 to 22kW) and DC chargers (25kW to 350kW in size).
Applications will be assessed on a first come first served basis.
Who is eligible for a Grant?
Small and medium enterprises (small businesses are defined as having less than 20 employees, medium businesses are defined as having between 20 and 199 employees)
Not-for-profits registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission.
Local government authorities.
For more details on eligibility see the grant guidelines and FAQs.
Applying for the Grant - where to start
The recommended steps towards applying for a WA Charge Up Workplace Grant:
1. Confirm your site eligibility criteria:
Read the Funding Guidelines: Round 2.
Applicants who are one of the following types of organizations are eligible to apply for the grant:
All not-for-profits registered with the Australian Charities and not-for-profits commission (ACNC).
All local government authorities established under the Local Government Act 1995.
All small to medium enterprises (SME) as defined by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
Landowners: SMEs that wish to install charger(s) at a business premise they own, but do not occupy, are eligible for funding, provided a substantial proportion of occupants are eligible organizations with access to the charger(s).
Shared car parks: if EV charger(s) are proposed to be installed at a site with a shared carpark, a substantial proportion of site occupants must be eligible organizations.
Charge point operators: SMEs that wish to install charger(s) at a site as a charge point operator are eligible for funding if installation of the charger(s) is not commercially viable without grant funding, and a substantial proportion of site occupants are eligible organizations with access to charger(s).
2. Grant application notes:
Applications will be assessed on a first come first served basis.
Round 2 will co-fund chargers that are used by an eligible organization for one or more of the following use cases:
Charging employee EVs: Charging EVs that are primarily used by the eligible organization's employees to commute to and from work.
Fleet charging: Charging EVs owned by the eligible organization that are primarily used to undertake the activities of the organization within operating hours.
Destination charging: Charging EVs owned by customers or other visitors to an eligible organisation’s premises (for example, to shop, dine or recreate).
Public charging: Chargers that are open to public at large.
Applications seeking grant funding of up to $75,000 will be assessed by DMIRS and, if successful, a rebate will be provided following installation of the charger(s). Applications seeking grant funding in excess of $75,000 will be subject to a two-stage assessment process.
The Grants Program is focused on both the location (workplaces/eligible organizations) and the time of EV charging, with daytime charging (9am-5pm) and overnight charging (9pm-9am) preferred over the evening peak of 5-9pm. Applicants must make it more attractive for drivers to charge during the day (9am to 5pm) and/or overnight (9pm to 9am), compared to during the evening (5pm to 9pm). Ways to do this include: a. requiring users to pay a higher cents per kilowatt hour rate during the evening (5pm to 9pm); b. reducing the rate of charge during the evening (5pm to 9pm); or c. turning off or preventing access to the charger during the evening (5pm to 9pm).
3. Arrange for a Quote for the Installation:
Once you have confirmed your businesses eligibility, then the next step is to get an assessment of the available electrical capacity of your site and receive a quote for the installation of the EV Charging Stations. For this step, we can either work with your own preferred Electrician, or organize one for you.
For this Grant, the approved EV Stations recommended for DC applications are the Kempower T Series, Kempower C Station, Kempower C&S Series and EVBox Troniq Modular. For AC applications the EVBox BusinessLine, as it is easy to install and commission, and comes with a built-in modem and SIM card with free data. Contact us to be sent a presentation on the requirements of an installing an EVBox BusinessLine.
Note that the Grant will cover the costs of up to 50% of installation costs, subject to the following caps:
For installations where the largest charger is less than 150kW, $5,000 per site in the Greater Perth area and $10,000 per site in regional and remote areas.
For installations where the largest charger is 150kW or larger, $10,000 per site in the Greater Perth area and $20,000 in regional and remote areas.
Installation may include a two-year maintenance plan, which is mandatory to receive grant funding for public charger(s), a credit card reader, and/or an energy management system.
50% of the electricity network costs associated with the installation (up to $150,000 per site for Western Power network costs and up to $225,000 per site for Horizon Power network costs). Network costs include costs relating to stand alone power systems payable to Western Power, Horizon Power or Boundary Power.
4. Grant Application Submission:
Apply via the WA Govt website.
Applicants must obtain quotes for supply and installation of the chargers before submitting an application. This includes obtaining quotes for a two year software subscription and two year maintenance plan (for public chargers only).
If the project requires an electricity network upgrade, applicants must also provide a quote from the network operator (Western Power or Horizon Power depending on the location of the site).
Only one site can be entered per application, however, an applicant may apply for up to five sites with five separate applications.
5. Grant Application Timelines:
To engage an Electrician to provide a quote for the installation, with assistance from Charge Hub - approx. 2 to 4 weeks.
To compile and submit your Application - approx. 1 to 2 weeks.
To receive an Notification of Assessment from DMIRS - within 20 business days from submission.
The usual turnaround to ship the EV Stations and organize the installation - approx. 2 to 4 weeks.
Applicants must install the EV charger(s) within 180 days (AC chargers) or 18 months (DC chargers) of being notified they are approved for grant funding.
To receive your Grant payment - within 4 weeks from evidence submission.
6. Evidence required to submit to require your Grant payment:
Payment will be made by direct bank transfer following receipt of:
final invoice(s) for EV charger(s), installation, including maintenance plan (for public chargers only), network costs and software;
photograph of charger(s) installed in situ;
photograph of the serial number for each charger installed;
key information about the installed chargers (manufacturer, model, etc.).
WA Approved EV Hardware List
The WA Government has partnered with the Electric Vehicle Council to create a list of approved AC and DC electric vehicle (EV) chargers and EV charger software that is eligible for funding under the WA Government co-funding programs.
Applicants applying for Round 2 of the WA Charge Up Workplace charging grants must select EV charger hardware from the WA Government approved EV charger and software list.
Charge Hub are an approved EV Charging Hardware provider for WA Charge Up Workplace Grant for:
EVBox - AC Stations
Kempower - DC Stations
WA Approved EV Software List
Connecting OCPP Software to your EV Charging Stations is always recommended. Specifically for the purposes of:
Remote monitoring and Driver support
Monitoring of and reporting on usage
Providing authentication, so that you know who is using your station/s
Providing a billing option, to recover costs of Drivers using your station/s
Hands-off management of optimum use of the station. No need for you or your staff to manage.
The EV Council have assessed and approved eligible software providers against the following criteria to enable the remote management of EV Charging Stations:
Be available and supported within Australia
Be compatible with OCPP 1.6
Have a user friendly interface
Have a mapping interface to locate EV chargers
Enable any member of the public to sign up
Be available on Android and iOS operating systems
Offer billing services that enable differential pricing (for example, different prices at different times of day)
Be supported by evidence, from Plugshare or similar, of the software platform enabling charging at 3-4 different locations
Charge Hub are an approved EV Charging Software for WA Charge Up Workplace Grant, for integration with Kempower, EVBox, ABB, Schneider Electric, Smappee, Circontrol, EV Meter, Siemens, and Tritium.
WA Approved Installers
Currently, the Charge Hub approved and certified installers in Western Australia are:
Thinking about Installing a DC Fast Charge Station?
See this helpful table to assist in working out the size (kW) Station that you could install, with the onsite electrical capacity that would be required:
Station Output (kW) | 3 Phase Mains Current (A) | Approx time to charge 1 x EV |
350kW | 572 | 10 mins* |
300kW | 490 | 10 mins* |
250kW | 408 | 10 mins* |
200kW | 327 | 10 mins |
150kW | 245 | 15 mins |
100kW | 164 | 22 mins |
50kW | 82 | 45 mins |
Notes: The above table is for general guidance only. Assumption an average charging requirement of a vehicle of 30kWh per session. *With a 200kW max vehicle charging limit.
Ready to get started:
Recommended steps forward:
Engage your Electrician (or ours) to evaluate the location of your new EV Stations, the available onsite electrical capacity, and to receive a quotation from them for the required work. If installing Commercial AC Stations, then see here our EVBox BusinessLine Installer Guide, to assist your Electrician to put together their Installation quotation. If looking for a DC Charging Station, then please Get in Touch and we will send you all the required documents for the best recommended Station. Note - Be sure to include in the installation quotation - infrastructure, load management, two year maintenance plan.
Get in Touch with us to send you a quotation for the EV Charging Hardware and EV Charging Software, for User billing and remote management.
Submit both your Installation Quotation, Hardware Quotation and Software Quotation to the WA Government DMIRS - Submit here.
Successful Grant installations to date

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